Sunday, 17 May 2009

Lottery Grant

Hi Everyone, Very bad news today, Thursday 14th May. "Your application was unsuccessful for the following reasons. Your application did not clearly show the need for your project, how you identified it and how will your project would meet it. Your application would have met our assessment criteria more closely if. there was more evidence of the need for your project. a wider range of people would benefit from the project. Our decision is final, but I hope that you find our reasons clear and helpful." It is now down to us to raise enought to build a terrain to continue our club.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Lottery Grant

Just received email from lottery saying that we should have results within the next 30 days. (End of May). We shall then be in France on our trip, so have asked if they could inform us before 25 May or After 6th June. Keep you fingers crossed