Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Email received from the Chair of Amities Boules Club.

Dear Jeff
I have read your item from the Cranleigh PC blog. I want to tell you that I am rather disappointed by the content of the article.
You will probably be aware that the Pennock Trophy is the oldest trophy played for within the Amities Boules Club. It was presented to the club by Wendy Pennock – a very dear friend, sadly no longer with us. It was originally hosted by Wendy’s Family for ABC and invited guests. The longstanding members of ABC will have fond memories of past competitions at Birchetts Brook (the family home). Although the trophy and plate were always keenly contested the emphasis was always on a friendly sociable occasion. Wine flowed by the wheelbarrow load and various members of the club have spent happy hours sleeping off hangovers in their cars during the afternoon of the competition (including this year’s winner!)
After Wendy’s death, ABC took over the running of the trophy, with the intention that this tradition of friendly competition should continue.
Dan and Joan played very well and thoroughly deserved to win the trophy. For a long time they were stalwart members of this club and I can think of no people more deserving of having their names on the cup. But they played as members of ABC. The trophy is only open to members of ABC and specially invited guests. Your article claims theirs as a victory for Cranleigh PC.
At best this is insensitive to the memory of a lovely lady. At worst it is divisive and designed to cause friction and point-scoring between the two clubs. A number of our members have said how upset they are at this. If this was not your intention then I would urge you to correct the impression which your article gives.

I would agree that we should have posted an item about the Pennock trophy before now. But surely a well considered article albeit a little late, is better than one put together in haste filled with errors?

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